
Charities we support

Life at no. 27

For many of us our gardens have become even more important recently, special spaces to escape into growing our own vegetables- there are few things in life as exciting as watching your seedlings pop, and then grow into delicious food.

Whether it's a window box, raised beds in the back garden or an allotment we can all grow something, this is the year to give it a try and we are very proud to be supporting Life At No 27, a fantastic social enterprise looking to reach parts of the community who've never gardened before and educate them on the therapeutic benefits.

Find out more about our work with Life At No 27.

Perennial Platinum Partner

We are a Perennial Gardeners' Royal Benevolent Society Platinum Partner and we are proud to support the work they do for the sector.

Perennial is the UK’s only charity dedicated to helping everyone who works in horticulture, and their families, when times get tough.

Learn more about Perennial 

British Grooms Association (BGA) and Equestrian Employers Association (EEA)

We are the proud sponsors of the British Grooms Association and the Equestrian Employers Association. The BGA is a professional association for people who work with horses. They exist to support members through their careers as a groom, providing support, advice, and education. 

Learn more about the BGA and EEA.